Monday’s Christian Kindle eBook Deals

August 12, 2024

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For non-U.S. readers, Kindle content availability and pricing will vary.

Ella Finds Love Again (Little Valley Series Book 3) Bestselling author Jerry Eicher concludes the Little Valley Series with one more glimpse into young Ella’s Amish world. She loves the widower Ivan Stutzman’s children and enjoys caring for them. Although she is genuinely devoted to Preacher Stutzman and keenly aware of his desire to propose, her feelings for him stop short of romantic love. Yet Ella yearns for marriage and wonders if what she and Ivan have is enough.

When the handsome Englisha stops by and asks about converting to the Amish faith, Ella is intrigued and warily agrees to meet with him. Soon Ella realizes she’s torn between her devotion to Ivan and his children and her growing feelings for the Englisha. With dire consequences at stake, Ella must determine what the truth is, if her feelings are dependable, and how to stay faithful to the will of God.

📚 Read More in the Little Valley series!

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The Gospel of Yes: We Have Missed the Most Important Thing About God. Finding It Changes Everything God would like a word with you.

What you believe about God affects the way you approach life—often in ways you don’t realize. Are you convinced that God limits you, or liberates you? Is he more interested in correcting you or connecting with you? And when you hit a rough spot and start looking for help, do you believe God is against you or on your side?

In The Gospel of Yes, Mike Glenn reveals God’s most powerful word, which opens our eyes to everything he does. That word is YES. God said “yes” to creating a world for us to live in and “yes” to inviting us into a relationship with him. No matter what we face in life, the best way to live is captured in one word: yes.

When you live in God’s “yes” you find your identity, your true value, and your unique purpose on earth. You can stop trying to be someone else and enjoy being yourself as you join with God in doing the work of his kingdom. When God looks at you he always says “yes.” It’s time to live like you know it.

Includes Discussion Questions for Personal and Group Use.

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Believe In Me: Sweet and clean opposites-attract Christian romance in London at Christmas (Love In Store Book 2) God’s gifts of love and forgiveness last all year round!

All Cara Talbot wants for Christmas is for it to be over. The workaholic accountant has good reason to hate Christmas, along with charmers like actor Nick Gallagher, playing celebrity Santa at the failing London department store she has the thankless job of managing.

She’s determined to save her staff’s jobs, Hollywood golden boy Nick just wants to live up to his Mr Unattached reputation and enjoy life. They couldn’t be more opposite. But if accepting Nick’s dare – dates showing her the magic of a London Christmas – can raise enough publicity to keep the store open, she’ll do it. Even if she risks falling in love with him in the process

Can this surprising Santa allow love to deepen his untested faith and learn to commit, while helping Ms Scrooge believe in Christmas, and in God, once more?

Clean and wholesome Christian inspirational romance to warm your heart, from a USA Today bestselling author!

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When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence Over 1,800 5-Star Reviews!

Those extraordinary little events in your life happen for a reason.

A coincidence-sometimes a silly little thing-changes the course of your day… or even your life. Is it chance, or is God communicating with you?

When God Winks at You is packed with true stories demonstrating that God does communicate with us, making incredible things happen in our lives every single day. As you read the riveting accounts of everyday and famous people-including Tim Conway, Rudolph Giuliani, Billy Graham, and Don Knotts – you will begin to recognize the godwinks in your own life, both past and present. Through these tangible signposts from God, we receive personalized messages that reassure us, stop us from worrying, chart our path in life, and help us keep the faith.

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Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl Enter a simpler way of living by unhurrying your heart, embracing the relaxed rhythms of nature, and discovering the meaningful gift of growing slow.

We long to make a break from the fast pace of life, but if we’re honest, we’re afraid of what we’ll miss if we do. Yet when going big and hustling hard leaves us stressed, empty, and out of sorts, perhaps this can be our cue to step into a far more satisfying, sustainable pace. In this crafted, inspiring read, beloved author Jennifer Dukes Lee offers a path to unhurried living by returning to the rhythm of the land and learning the ancient art of Growing Slow.

Jennifer was once at breaking point herself, and tells her story of rude awakening to the ways her chosen lifestyle of running hard, scaling fast, and the neverending chase for results was taking a toll on her body, heart, and soul. But when she finally gave herself permission to believe it takes time to grow good things, she found a new kind of freedom. With eloquent truths and vivid storytelling, Jennifer reflects on the lessons she learned from living on her fifth-generation family farm and the insights she gathered from the purposeful yet never rushed life of Christ. Growing Slow charts a path out of the pressures of bigger, harder, faster, and into a more rooted way of living where the growth of good things is deep and lasting.

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Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss Using Scripture and personal narrative, Courageously Expecting empathizes with and empowers women to face a pregnancy after loss with faith and courage, despite inevitable feelings of grief and fear that accompany life after losing a baby.

Pregnancy is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman’s life, but for the mother who has experienced pregnancy loss, a subsequent pregnancy can feel like she’s holding her breath and hoping for what she can’t control. In Courageously Expecting, Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst and cautiously hoped for the best. Through the telling of her own story, Scripture, and heartfelt prayer, she encourages readers to cling to faith in the face of fear and guides them to

  • cultivate hope when doubt weighs heavy;
  • realize that the past does not dictate the present or the future and that God creates a way in the wilderness of grief and loss;
  • flip the script on the what-if, worst-case-scenario narrative in their minds and learn to take their thoughts captive; and
  • find the courage to humble themselves and ask for and accept help from others.

Regardless of where readers are on their pregnancy after loss journey, Courageously Expecting is a companion to help them through the days when fear overshadows hope.

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A Celebration Of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy Reclaim the Bible-based concept of marriage as a satisfying one-flesh relationship. A bestselling and definitive guide to marital intimacy for Christian couples, learn how to deepen sexual pleasure and enjoy God’s gift of sexual intimacy with your spouse.

It can be difficult to find biblically based sexual advice. A licensed psychologist and family therapist, Dr. Douglas Rosenau answers specific and often unasked questions about sexual topics, presenting married couples with detailed techniques and skills to deepen their sexual pleasure and improve their marriages.

In this easy-to-read guide, Dr. Rosenau covers topics including:

  • Building a biblical foundation of knowledge about sexual intimacy
  • Enhancing pleasure and enjoying passionate intimacy
  • Overcoming common hurdles
  • Resolving problems and healing brokenness

Grounded in Scripture and written by a pioneer of Christian sex therapy, A Celebration of Sex is comprehensive, direct, and honest, treating sex with the respect it deserves and a Christ-like foundation. An excellent tool for premarital education and counseling, it’s a must-read for Christian spouses.

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Lainey Sparks (Faith & Fame Book 1) What do you do when all you’ve thought important seems like a charade?

Meet Lainey Sparks, worship leader turned Christian recording artist. People look to her to lead them to God but she doesn’t know her motives anymore. Then she’s introduced to Nick DeAngelo, a man with a secret. Could he ruin her reputation and ultimately her career? Or is he the only one she knows to lean on when tragedy strikes?

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