Saturday’s Christian Kindle eBook Deals

February 26, 2022

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For non-U.S. readers, Kindle content availability and pricing will vary.

The Miracle of Christmas: Heartwarming Contemporary Christian Romance Book (Small Town Christmas Romance Collection 5) Christmas is the season of miracles…

Robert and Emma are newlyweds who are deliriously in love and eager to create their own unique traditions as couples.

All is rosy and smooth for this wonderful pair till Robert gets caught in a complicated dilemma at work where he has to choose between doing the right and moral thing as a Christian or following the easy path in his bid to give Emma the perfect Christmas present ever.

Emma who is a newspaper columnist beloved by everyone, struggles with sudden changes at the workplace and an unknown person hell bent on jeopardizing her career.

As they struggle to celebrate their first Christmas together despite all the challenges, they learn what is more important than gifts, traditions or grand gestures and that miracles can happen when they are least expected.

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The Cupcake Dilemma: A Rock Creek Romance Novella My name is Kirstin Hill. I’m a simple girl trying to figure out life in a small town. There are a few things you should know about me before we begin. I grew up in the city. I’m a teacher, a first-year teacher (some of you understand that significance). And finally, when it comes to cooking, I’m a disaster. Maybe none of those things seem story worthy, but trust me—I have a story. I call it The Cupcake Dilemma, and it literally changed my life. How? I’m glad you asked.

It all started with an extra assignment delegated to me at school right before Valentine’s Day… But before we get too far, let me begin by stating this clearly. I was voluntold.

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Ordinary Snowflakes: A Rock Creek Romance Christmas Novella Romance and Redemption. Welcome to Rock Creek.

A single mom, a snowy Christmas, and a Secret Santa gift. Perhaps her romance days aren’t over after all.

A secret Santa gift left on Kale Brennan’s front porch opens up a fresh view of her ordinary life, and perhaps of God. Maybe she does matter. Maybe God sees her—as does a new-to-town music teacher who has her seven-year-old daughter gushing and her own knees buckling with his killer smile.

But as Kale embraces new possibilities, a staple in her life—a man who is kind and steady, not to mention necessary for her injured daughter’s recovery—also snatches her attention in an unexpected way. Will the one pursuing her with his secret gift and kind gestures be the one her heart longs for in the end?

"…this contemporary love story is so moving and authentic, it should be read all year round." -Relzreviews

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Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart No one gets to skip the tough stuff and when life threatens to drown us we’re left gasping for air, merely surviving a life we never ordered. Niki Hardy has been there, screaming, "God, is this it? Where’s the abundant life you promised? Are you even listening?"

Life might not be fair, but through loss, grief, and cancer, Niki discovered life doesn’t have to be pain-free to be full. With sensitivity and without Christianese or stock answers she invites women to replace the lies they believe about themselves and God with sound biblical teaching and his unwavering promises. Through 7 practical steps, with hands-on questions, actions, and prayers, she equips readers to grasp the full life Jesus came to give them, right where they are.

No matter how broken a life might seem, the abundant life Jesus promised is available–now and always. Let Niki show you the way.

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More Than A Second Chance: Women's Christian fiction with clean romance (Single Again Book 1) Cassie Chambers is determined to rescue the troubled youth in the city of Perth, Australia. She’s made mistakes but hasn’t allowed tragedy or divorce to stop her. But devoting every working hour at Youth Connect neglects her own needs.

American chef, Chris Evanson, offers work experience to the boys at Youth Connect. Cassie and Chris’s encounters become more than sassy bantering and a hint of attraction. Chris is a sincere romantic.

How will he respond when he discovers her tragic past? She must tell him before he falls for her. Will Chris believe she deserves more than a second chance?

To complicate matters, one of the youth needs protection. Melissa is pregnant and moves in with Cassie, bringing absolute chaos. Chris gains insight into what life with Cassie involves. Does he still want the total package? Is Chris her true soul mate after all?

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Growing Season: a novel (Book 1) (Melinda Foster Series) A faded farmhouse, a devoted dog. One special summer.

Melinda is already at a crossroads when the “for rent” sign beckons her down a dusty gravel lane. Facing forty and downsized from her successful career at a Twin Cities ad agency, she’s struggling to move forward when a phone call brings her home to rural Iowa.

It’s not long before she’s caring for a barn full of animals and working at her family’s hardware store in the community of Prosper, whose motto is “The Great Little Town That Didn’t.” And just like the vast garden she tends under the summer sun, Melinda soon begins to thrive. But when tragedy strikes, can she hold on to the new life she’s worked so hard to create?

Filled with memorable characters, from a big-hearted farm dog to the weather-obsessed owner of the local co-op, “Growing Season” celebrates the challenges and joys of rural life.

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half-life / die already: How I Died and Lived to Tell About It Life is certainly circular. In time, we face the same struggles, reenter the same habitual cycles, and encounter the same types of frustrating people. In time, we always end up facing what we tried our darndest to evade. In fact, we spend so much time trying to avoid the inevitable that we rarely take time to learn, grow, and embrace the rough stuff.

Half Life / Die Already suggests that the route to real living is dying to self. With non-stop humor and out-there insights, Mark chronicles his journey-in-progress with often hilarious results. Readers of all ages will enjoy his wit and wisdom, and be inspired to just die already.

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Captivating Expanded Edition: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul Sometime between the dreams of your youth and yesterday’s to-do list, something precious has been lost: your priceless femininity.

God has set within you a femininity that is powerful, tender, and fierce. No doubt it has been misunderstood, but it is there, and it is worth recovering. In this updated and expanded edition of their runaway bestseller, John and Stasi Eldredge vulnerably share their story and show you how to set your heart free and embrace life as a woman who is truly captivating.

The mystery of the feminine heart was meant to be a good thing, a source of joy. But all too often, it becomes a source of shame. We almost universally feel that we are too much or not enough.

As we grow older and our dreams are slowly pushed aside, we’re told that we have to settle for a life of efficiency and performance, striving to be the women we’re told that we ought to be and still feeling like we’re failing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Let Captivating help you discover the woman you were meant to be.

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