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![]() Despite its picturesque setting, Still Waters haunts Cora Anne with loss. At Still Waters her grandfather died, her parents’ marriage disintegrated, and as a child, she caused a tragic drowning. But lingering among the oak canopies and gentle tides, this place also tempts her with forgiveness—especially since Nan hired Tennessee Watson to oversee cottage repairs. A local contractor, but dedicated to the island’s preservation from development, Tennessee offers her friendship and more, if she can move beyond her guilt. When a family reunion reveals Nan’s failing health, Cora Anne discovers how far Tennessee will go to protect her—and Edisto—from more desolation. Will Cora Anne choose between a life driven by guilt, or one washed clean by the tides of grace? Click Here for the best price! |
![]() The repairs to their inherited properties are moving along nicely and everything seems to be falling into place, everything that is, except for the body they discover inside one of the buildings, the dilapidated restaurant. Despite the fact that the Garlucci family was not even in Savannah at the time the victim was murdered, they can’t prove it. On top of that, the victim, a member of Savannah Architectural Society, also known as "SAS," had been sent to the property to discuss possible construction violations. The other members of SAS are convinced the Garlucci family murdered one of their own while Carlita is convinced that someone is trying to frame them. Can the mother / daughter duo figure out who the real killer is, or will the police dig into Carlita’s past and discover that she has her own share of secrets she’s trying desperately to leave behind? Click Here for the best price! |
![]() This hands-on guidebook invites readers to record their own waiting discoveries. With practical suggestions and real-life stories, Pope shows readers how they can be active in the present as they hope for the future. Click Here for the best price! |
![]() When Josiah left Paradise the first time, he didn’t even say good-bye. Now he’s back, ten years later, and he’s changed. Why is he so distant and bitter? Where is the boy who used to be Amanda’s best friend? Amanda is learning that there are things even a capable Amish girl can’t fix. But can she stand there and watch him walk away… again? Click Here for the best price! |
![]() Architect Vance Nolan has crafted a marvel – shining apartments floating in the peaceful cove of a winding river. The project is partially occupied and about to make investors rich when a sinkhole gives way. Torrential rains quickly flood the cove, leaving a handful of builders, investors, and residents cut off from the rest of the world. The motley group is bitterly divided over how to survive. Vance insists they wait for rescue. Developer Tony Dean wants to strike out into the darkness. And single-mom Danielle Clement, obligated to each man and desperate to protect her young son, Simeon, isn’t sure which one is wiser. Power failure, an unnatural daytime darkness, explosions, and a murder expose hidden intentions and dark histories. Then Simeon spots something strange underwater – beautiful, shifting lights in the dark depths. In this watery world, everyone’s secrets will eventually come to light. And deliverance may mean more than just getting out alive. Click Here for the best price! |
![]() Is your to-do list driving you crazy? Do you have more things to do than time to do them? Are you running in circles in spite of multi-tasking and staying up late? Organizing Pro Marcia Ramsland shows you how you can gain control of your schedule by learning to save time, spend time, capture time, and multiply your time. In 30 days (or less) learn practical skills that help you trade time-wasters for time-savers and will show you how to:
Simplify Your Time is your personal time management guide. With 101 Time-Saving Tips, you can relieve your daily stress, find time for yourself, and create a lifestyle that allows you to get more done in less time! Click Here for the best price! |
![]() Born in the midst of the hardships of The Great Depression, Rose grew up in Berlin, Ohio, in the arms of a loving Amish family. But she is overwhelmed by self-doubt when she learns that she was born Englisch and abandoned when her family moved West in search of work. Was she meant to be Amish or would she have been better off growing up with her own kind – Englischers? When the man she loves leaves her behind, Rose is certain he left for good. Yet Rose discovers sometimes our greatest gifts are the ones we fear. Click Here for the best price! |
![]() Linda found herself in places she never dreamed she would be: at the graveside of the child of an abused mother; by the side of a mother fighting for her lost child; and at the funeral of a Texas stripper who died two days before her baptism but left a legacy of love behind. When Linda stepped out of her comfort zone and into these implausible places with people she was unlikely to otherwise encounter, she discovered the life she never knew she wanted—-a life of saying yes to God whenever He asks. Today, Linda has a ministry that gives children a name in life, and dignity and honor in death. When she shares her stories of broken lives redeemed, other broken people respond, and so the ripple effects of that long-ago yes continue to spread, touching lives that yearn for healing, and underscoring the fact that every life matters to God. Click Here for the best price! |
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