Wednesday’s Christian Kindle eBook Deals

August 23, 2023

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The Edge of Mercy: Dual Timeline Women's Fiction Two women, three hundred years apart, must face the devastation of all they hold dear…

Suspecting her husband is having an affair, Sarah Rodrigues fights to appear unbroken while attempting to salvage her family. Though distracted by her own troubles, Sarah is summoned to an elderly friend’s deathbed for an unusual request—find a long-lost daughter and relay a centuries-old family story.

Determined not to fail her friend, Sarah pieces together the story of her neighbor’s ancestor, Elizabeth Baker, a young colonist forced into an unwanted betrothal but drawn to a man forbidden by society.

While Sarah’s family teeters on the edge of collapse, her world is further shaken by the interest of a caring doctor and a terrible accident that threatens a life more precious than her own.

Inspired by the unconditional love she uncovers in Elizabeth’s story, Sarah strives to forgive those who’ve wounded her soul. But when light shines on the dark secrets of her neighbor’s past and the full extent of her husband’s sins, will looking to a power greater than herself rekindle lost hope?

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Remember Me When: A Women of Hope Novel Inspired by the biblical story of Abigail in 1 Samuel, a Christian woman stands up for what is right, despite life-threatening consequences.

When Faith married her husband Roger Nolan he seemed to be an upstanding businessman, owner of a remote mercantile outside the town of Bountiful, Oregon. But Faith quickly learned the truth-that her husband is dishonest in his business practices and likes his liquor, turning mean when he indulges. When Faith discovers that Roger has yet again failed to deliver critical winter supplies to Nathan Bartlett, owner of the nearby logging camp, she takes the order up the mountain herself. Furious, Roger confronts Faith when she returns, and she is knocked unconscious. When Faith wakes, she finds Roger dead in a pool of his own blood, and she soon stands accused of murder.

Having fought in the War Between the States, Nathan has seen enough violence to last a lifetime. He has always admired Faith’s quiet strength and integrity and finds it hard to believe such a gentle woman capable of harming anyone. However, Nathan begins to struggle with his instinct to protect Faith when evidence mounts against her.

As more and more people begin to think Faith is guilty, only her trust in God can give her the hope she needs to survive this trial.

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Secret Shores (Lantern Beach Exposure Book 6) Lantern Beach harbors a deadly secret.

With the remote North Carolina island thrown into chaos, scientist Rachel Atwood must use her expertise to find answers and try to stop a savage plot.

When Rachel is drawn into the danger, Jonah Gray—the man who stole her heart and then left her behind—returns to protect her.

Whether she wants him to or not.

Jonah made the biggest mistake of his life when he deserted Rachel. After someone attempts to abduct her, he knows he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe—even if she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

Rachel and Jonah must put their minds together and their hearts at risk in order to stop the madness. Will they discover the truth in time? Or will the island’s secrets spill over onto distant shores?

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Keto Chaffles Cookbook: Over 70 Easy-to-Make and Low-Carb Waffles Recipes to Burn Fat and Keep A Ketogenic Lifestyle Are you new to chaffles or might have heard about them and will like to give them a try? Were you an ardent waffle lover but looking for ways to incorporate waffles into your keto diet? Or have you tried making chaffles but ended up with soggy, eggy pieces that you disliked?

In this cookbook, I cover the subject of chaffle-making and many ways to incorporate this food into your diet. Meanwhile, keeping a focus to make the crispiest and best of chaffles that you can find. I combine unique techniques that will get you mastering the art of chaffle-making in no time.

A hearty composition of eighty-four homemade recipes that have been tested, tried, and enjoyed!

I’m gladdened the keto diet improves as time passes, and having to be creative with chaffles makes me more excited to contribute to this dietary community. I believe that as keto-dieters, we should enjoy as many foods as are known by tweaking ingredients to fit our specialty.

Hence, here, I work with tasty ingredients to create mouth-watering pieces to serve you rightly. Creating these recipes comes from a place of love, passion, a foodie’s adventure, and a need to solve a waffle problem. I am excited to have you try them already!

The cookbook caters to your daily feeding needs as I make chaffle options for breakfast and brunch, snacks, lunch and dinner, and desserts. And fourteen starter options for beginners. There is so much in here for you to splurge that I suggest that you make your purchase quickly.

How about you read no further but grab a copy of this book now while I wait for you on the other side to begin cooking?It is promised to be a terrific time as we explore the world of chaffles together!

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Cradle of Life (Amari Johnston Book 5) The Amari Johnston saga continues, twenty-nine years later.

In recent years, new scientific discoveries have cast doubt on the theory of evolution. One of these discoveries proves that unguided evolution is impossible. Yet we still teach this outdated, unproven theory in our schools as if it were true.

After tenured professor Dr. Paul Eisen challenges the status quo by teaching his class on evolution in a way that encourages the notion of Intelligent Design, a lawsuit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation forces him to resign. But when Dr. Eisen makes an astonishing discovery that proves unguided evolution is impossible, he nearly loses his life to someone seemingly determined to keep his discovery secret.

Nathan Buchanan is a Ph.D. student in biomolecular engineering. As a child, Nathan was Dr. Eisen’s next-door neighbor, and the two developed a strong bond over the years. When Dr. Eisen asks Nathan to be the first to peer-review the details of his discovery, Nathan becomes the killer’s next target.

Amari Johnston-Brenner made a name for herself in the late ’80s and early ’90s as a feisty young private detective who gained international notoriety after risking her life to prove the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. Twenty-nine years later, Amari lives in Tennessee and continues her work as a private investigator. When her daughter becomes romantically involved with Nathan, she works to solve the case in a desperate effort to keep both Nathan and her daughter safe.

Although this novel continues the Amari Johnston series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone title.

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HearthLand Collection 1 Taking a step back in time–deliberately.

After a trip to Walden Farm and an afternoon talking to Chad and Willow Tesdall, Ralph Myner catches a vision for what life could be like. Against the advice of his nephew, Ralph sinks his entire retirement account into an incredibly risky venture.

Harlan Walker thinks his uncle has gone crazy. With the project in motion, all he can do is try to find people to invest their time, money, and even their lives into Ralph’s project before the man ends up broke and without means to survive.

What do a retiree, a homeless woman, a professional cellist, an ex-marine, a sub-culture Christian couple, and a crime-scene cleaner have in common? HearthLand.

This collection includes the first three volumes of the series. Read today and don’t miss the second collection to finish the story.

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When Evil Finds Us: K-9 Search and Rescue Book 3 When Jessica Chamberlain’s friend Laura takes a wrong turn in a storm, three men trap her in a dark house. The cops blow it off as a misunderstanding, but Laura’s husband, Nate, is furious and Jess can’t let it go. Pursuing the men nearly gets her arrested, but a link to bones her dog, Luke, finds in a Norfolk backyard confirms her suspicions. The Doyle family is up to no good.

Jess’s boyfriend, FBI Special Agent Scott Cooper, travels to interview convicted killers for a bureau project. Jess loves him, but their relationship is stalled. She decides to focus elsewhere, enhancing her search and rescue skills by learning to rappel. A nasty fall derails that plan but puts her relationship back on track—until Scott’s teenaged daughter, Amanda, shows up and interjects chaos into their lives.

Already stressed by that conflict, Scott isn’t prepared for an explosive Kentucky prison interview. While Scott and Jess are still reeling from that shock, Amanda disappears—last seen with a boy named Doyle. A hot pursuit, a wild fight, and a bloody gun battle leave Scott clinging to life and Jess holding fast to her only hope—faith.

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A Love Undone: An Amish Novel of Shattered Dreams and God's Unfailing Grace A husband and son abandoned to forge a path alone.A young woman who sacrificed her dreams. How will the God of grace and hope help them find their way?

At nineteen years old, Old Order Amish Jolene Keim was on the brink of happily-ever-after when everything changed, stealing the future she expected and burdening her with an unbearable decision. For the next ten years, Jolene throws herself into family life—and then she meets Andy Fisher. The horse trainer and father to a sweet nine year-old challenges her and holds up a mirror to issues Jolene has been unwilling to face.

Andy is cautious about his deepening friendship with Jolene, but he believes she knows the truth about him – that he is a grass widower. As a man whose wife has abandoned him six years past, he is unable to divorce or remarry according to the Amish ways. Andy has wrestled with God concerning his reality, and he had found peace with the solitary future facing him…until he met Jolene.

As Andy and Jolene find themselves confronted by difficult choices, will they trust in God’s guidance—or will the allure of their deepening friendship only lead to further temptation?

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NOWHERE CAROLINA: A Contemporary Romance (Southern Discomfort Book 2) They Say Old Flames Die Hard. They Don’t Know The Half Of It.

Maggie Pickwick is a lifetime away from her days as head cheerleader and the mistakes she made in high school. Twelve years later, this single mom has traded pompoms for an auctioneer’s gavel, popularity for peace and quiet, and strives to be a good example for her daughter, Devyn. She’s keeping it together just fine, too—until an old flame moves back to her little North Carolina town.

Renowned artist Reece Thorpe wants nothing to do with Maggie—not after what she did in high school—but he might also be Devyn’s father. Driven by her own pride and fear for her daughter’s happiness, Maggie finds herself on a slippery slope of white lies as she attempts to convince Reece that she’s changed. But the truth has a way of making itself known, and now Maggie’s past and present mistakes could ruin her chance at love.

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